Note: this was a poll
Poll #722460 Oops
Have you ever needed to do some gardening where you knew there was poison ivy?
6 (50.0%)no
6 (50.0%)
Have you ever just gone ahead and done the gardening anyway?
5 (45.5%)no
6 (54.5%)
Have you ever subsequently gotten poison ivy (despite reasonable precautions)?
2 (18.2%)no
9 (81.8%)
Was it on your hands (even though you couldn’t so much see any bumps or feel it itching)?
2 (18.2%)no
9 (81.8%)
Did you then end up with poison ivy anywhere… a bit delicate?
1 (9.1%)no
10 (90.9%)
Why this line of questioning?
BWWAAhahaahhaaaa! Heeeee! Oooh… *wipes tears from eyes*
8 (66.7%)These are perfectly reasonable questions about spring gardening
2 (16.7%)What? I’m lost. Poison Ivy was in the DC Universe, right?
0 (0.0%)I can’t believe you did that.
7 (58.3%)I feel your pain,
3 (25.0%)Questioning? I’m just here for the ticky box.
2 (16.7%)Ticky box!
5 (41.7%)
ETA: And how come all you people are perfectly willing to say you feel my pain, when you are also saying, “Oh, no, that never happened to me.” TTttthhhhbbbbttttt!!