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To Do – keeping track of a busy weekend

wake up too late to go to pilates; decide to skip yoga, too
buy cream cheese and yogurt
buy cucumbers and fruit
hang up clothing
tidy a bit
1-9 work
6pm – find something to eat! lunch? dinner?
buy fancipants yogurt
buy 2 packages of pita bread
move cat food under sewing table
vacuum some more
put folded clothes in drawers
soak yellow split peas
shake up hard cider and see if it needs more sugar
dinner: spicy tofu & beet greens over rice

breakfast: yogurt & fruit
10-11:30am yoga
11:45-12:45 pilates
drain yogurt
clean stovetop
start split pea, winter squash, and kale soup
sort & pre-treat laundry
vacuum bed?
buy cilantro and more kale
do dishes
get dressed
split pitas, and oil halves – mix spices
chuck minced cucumbers and garlic into yogurt with a pinch of salt
pickle remaining cucumbers
make pita chips
dinner: Aloo gobi? hopefully there’ll be time
6:30pm – make him help load folding chairs into car
7pm – birthday party (not my birthday)

  • folding chairs
  • Metropolis (I have it!)
  • 3 pkgs cream cheese
  • persimmons?
  • presents

breakfast: yogurt and fruit
10am-noon – yoga
wash laundry at laundromat
2nd breakfast: kale & tomato? bacon, egg, and bagel?
retrieve laundry and hang on the line
do dishes?
finish tidying bedroom
stir compost
swipe at the kitchen floor to get the snow crud off
3-4:30pm – African Dance
4:30-5:30pm – go home and grab dinner (leftover aloo gobi? soup?)
6:00-7:30pm – gentle yoga
7:30pm – talk with CityKitties about a menu for cooking for charity