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Gluten free Hors d’oeuvres

I think these were all based on recipes from Finger Food by Elizabeth Wolf-Cohen, but I have a cat lying on my arms, so I’m not getting up to check.

Smoked Salmon Nests on Wild Rice Pancakes

8oz smoked salmon
3-4T creamed horseradish sauce
fresh chives or dill to garnish

1/2c rice flour
salt & white pepper
1 egg lightly beaten
1/4c milk
1 1/3c cooked wild rice (we’ll probably use red rice instead)
2T chopped chives or dill
vegetable oil for frying

Mix up patties, adding the rice after everything else is smooth. Fry. Top with yumminess.


Straw Potato Cakes with Caramelized Apple

1T butter
1-2 eating apples, peeled, cored, and diced
1t lemon juice
2t sugar
pinch cinnamon
1/4c thick sour cream

oil for frying
1/2 small onion, finely chopped or grated
2 baking sweet potatoes
finely ground black pepper
flat leaf parsley to garnish

cook apples in butter, lemon juice, sugar, and cinnamon – set aside.

grate potatoes onto a towel and squeeze dry. Mix in a bowl with onions – season with salt & pepper. [Do other latkes recipes have something binding them together???] Drop Tabelspoonfuls into hot oil, and press flat while cooking.

top with apples and sour cream.


Smoked Trout in Cucumber Cups

This is the recipe, but I think of it more as a guideline

Mix together in a big bowl:
1/2c cream cheese, softened
2 green onions, chopped
1-2T chopped fresh dill or parsley
1t horseradish sauce
8oz smoked trout fillets, flaked
2-4T heavy cream
cayenne pepper to taste

Make cucumber cups. Fill them.



These recipes below are not from the above-mentioned cookbook

Spinachy Cream Cheese Goodness on corn fritters

Mix together:
16 ounces softened cream cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons dill weed
8 ounces bacon — chopped
1 cup onion — chopped
1/2 package fresh spinach — chopped (Hah! Possibly frozen)
1 cup cheddar cheese — shredded

Corn Fritters


Crab Dip Wot Does Not SuXXor … recipe found by [Ex – name redacted]

1 medium leek (white part only)
1 medium Vidalia or other sweet onion
1/2 cup drained canned artichoke hearts
1/2 cup thawed frozen chopped spinach
1 pound Brie
2 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup Riesling or other medium-dry white wine
2/3 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill leaves
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh tarragon leaves
1 pound fresh jumbo lump crab meat
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Tabasco, or to taste

Accompaniment: toasted thin baguette slices

Preheat oven to 425°F and lightly oil an 11-inch gratin or other shallow baking dish (about 6-cup).

Trim and finely chop leek. In a large bowl of water wash leek well and lift from water into a large sieve to drain. Finely chop onion. Rinse and finely chop artichoke hearts. Squeeze dry and finely chop spinach. Discard rind from Brie and cut into 1/4-inch pieces.

In a heavy skillet cook leek, onion, and garlic in oil over moderate heat, stirring, until pale golden and stir in artichoke hearts and spinach. Add wine and cook, stirring, 3 minutes. Add cream and simmer, stirring, 1 minute. Add Brie, stirring until it just begins to melt. Remove skillet from heat and stir herbs into mixture.

Pick over crab meat. In a large bowl stir together crab meat, mustard, Tabasco, and salt and pepper to taste and stir in cheese mixture. Spread mixture evenly in baking dish and bake in middle of oven 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden.

from a list of grumpy things + salad

4. And I have food I need to cook before it goes bad, and meals I am aching to try, but I keep getting home around midnight and needing to wake up in the morning and I just don’t have time for food. I ate ramen on Tuesday. Okay, so it was really tasty ramen, but I have eggplant and a spicy stir fry sauce all going to waste. I have chilled chicken and salad mix going to waste. I have baby spinach. I have a cauliflower. I want to make spanikopita and pumpkin bread. Whah!

ETA: Oh, man – I just had a great salad. I used the salad mix I had from the farmers’ market (picking out the frisee (because how is that food?) and the largest chunks of bitter cabbage and adding spinach, YAY!). I had enough to need a BIG bowl. Then I microwaved the grilled chicken, cut it up, and added that. I sliced a purple onion, shredded some cumin gouda, and crumbled bacon on top. Then I dropped some mustard and garlic into the bacon fat, dropped in a pinch of brown sugar, and swirled in some balsamic vinegar and some red wine… and called it salad dressing. So good!

ETAA: All food successfully eaten.

Menu planning

Possible meals for tonight –

Meal #1 – Quesadillas
Ingredients I’d need to purchase
cheese $2-5
tortillas $3ish (I don’t buy them often, so I’m not sure)
Avocado <$1 salsa $3 mushrooms $1 Meal #2 - Eggplant curry Ingredients needed - Eggplant $1 onions $1 yogurt (optional) $2 nan (optional) $2 Meal #3 - Mushroom Risotto flavored with truffle juice Ingredients needed - mushrooms $1 heavy cream $4 (Can you make risotto without finishing cream? Cause then it'd be the cheapest by far) (ETA: yes, I know you can - but it's a question of whether it is morally right.)

pondering pumpkin bread (plus bonus soup)

I am feeling adventurous – I like cooking, but am kinda amateur at the baking.


Pumpkin Bread…

from real pumpkins or canned ones?


ETA: I guess I’ll have to wait until I get home to research recipes. Neither allrecipes.com or epicurious.com have an old fashioned pumpkin bread recipe that includes both real butter and brown sugar. Everything is trying to be different – less fat, more fiber, less spice, less pumpkin flavour (!! Why you makin pumpkin bread, then?). Probably my red checked cookbook will have the right recipe.

Why, no, I don’t get to eat lunch for another 40 minutes 10 minutes


For actual food porn content – I made a lovely soup this week.

I thawed out my remaining cubes of chicken stock (so I can make more soon! because I’ve started to think that an autumn without making stock is wasted).

Added an acorn squash. By which I mean that I washed the outside, cut of the top and tip, split it in half, and stuck it open side down into the stock and let it cook until mushy… and then scooped out the inside with a spoon.

I threw in a frozen pork chop because I figured there should be some meat. After it cooked, I trimmed and diced it.

At this point I realised that 1 squash would not be enough, so I turned off the pot and let it sit overnight.

The next day, I bought a second squash and two sweet potatoes. Rinse. Repeat. First the squash, and then I decided the soup could still be thicker, so I cooked the potatoes in the microwave and then mushed them into the soup.

Meanwhile, I melted some butter and sauteed some onion, cumin, and a winesap apple…. when golden and mushy, I added that to the soup.

In went a bay leaf, a dash of worcestershire sauce, and tiny bit of nutmeg.

Cooking. cooking. cooking. (more like 20 minutes worth)

Then I drained a can of black beans… because apparently I live in a crazy land where I can’t find dried black beans (ghetto mart would have had some before they closed, but it hasn’t reopened yet – harrumph). Beans get dumped in. And the soup cooks for the length of an episode of Spooks.

Then eating… and the realisation that I forgot to add salt and pepper… and that it’d be good with a dollop of sour cream in the middle.

Second (third?) day. Soup! With salt and pepper. And sour cream seasoned with more cumin and a smidgeon of horseradish. Very tasty!

The soup was a bit gloppy and would have benefited from a run through a food processor or blender, but I don’t believe in doing that to the poor soups. And it was quite tasty.

Really. I’ve had two other people eat this soup, and both liked it. Or said they did. But there were second helpings involved. And I’m perfectly willing to eat soup again tonight for dinner. Yum!