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Food rambling – you know the drill

food I have
Collard Greens
5 large potatoes
1 very very ripe tomato
1 zucchini
5 bell peppers

roast pork leftovers
lamb shank leftovers
london broil marinated in garlic black pepper chinese sauce

bread products
but I now have a bread machine

a little bit of 2% milk that’s just not going to last
a little bit of heavy cream that’s totally going in tea

food I can make from that

Wednesday, September 13 *done*
collard greens & tomato cooked down with seasonings and some bouillon, served over rice Maybe the lamb leftovers on the side

Thursday, September 14 *done*
grill zucchini & onions. Add Pork. then what? how should I season this one? Cajun-ish with rice and a can of beans?

put pork roast scraps & bone in a pot with the lamb bone. Add water & maybe some carrots – I’ve never heard of pork stock, so not so much a proper stock with veggies as a concentrated yummy liquid in which to cook beans later.

Friday, September 15
taking my mother out to dinner

Saturday, September 16
Freaks & Geeks (dinner out?)

Sunday, September 17
dinner with my parents because they’ll be in the city for a conference
cut up stuff for tomorrow

Monday, September 18
london broil, bell pepper, onion, carrots, garlic -> stir fry
see if I can work a potato into this dish

Tuesday, September 19
pork leftovers with potatoes and bell peppers to make hash.

Put beans to soak

Wednesday, September 20
cook beans in pork broth

make mashed potatoes for dinner
collard greens

Thursday, September 21
beans & rice
collard greens

Friday, September 22
If going to New York, don’t buy any more perishables!
If staying home, head over to the evening farmers market

farmers’ markets

Wow! The weekday farmers’ market is way different from the weekend one.

There was nowhere to get eggs, but there were different produce vendors than usual, and they were all willing to haggle to get rid of their produce!

I got a quart of peach seconds – so now I need to layer them with sugar and set them to ferment.

I got 7 rolls for $2 – so now I need to eat massive quantities of bread – I did my part by eating 3 with garlic butter and pot roast – Mmmmm.

Two wee little baby melons for half price!

a bunch of bell peppers for a dollar!

and some yummy cheeses – not discounted. Often farmers’ market cheddars taste a bit bitter to me, but not these – so great find.

*rolls about in the glory of good food*


I got so much done yesterday. Apparently, they desperately need me to work on Friday, so I got to take of early yesterday to make up the hours. Whee!!

I signed up for gym membership! So now I have to actually start going – Eep!

I stopped by the Office of Off-Campus Living and asked whether there was anything I could do to get my property manager to get rid of the poison ivy – and the woman had the brilliant idea to sent me over to the University City pseudo-police. The guy there called over and was all intimidating to my property manager without ever telling him who had placed the complaint. It sounds like something might actually get done! Well, somewhat – even if my property manager is wonderfully vigilant, there is still a main root originating on a property not owned by my guy.

Then I stopped by my grocery store – who have healthy pasta on sale. I have been refusing to switch over because regular pasta is often on very cheap sales, but hey – sale! So I bought penne for the vodka cream sauce I’ll be making this weekend (vegetarian company coming and my mom accidentally bought a quart of heavy cream in stead of half&half).

And then it rained – gloriously. I love rain.

Food listing

I don’t have much food, but I want to eat what I do have before I buy a bunch more.

half a zucchini
2 1 unimpressive tomatoes

1/3 of a half pint of cream
opened cream cheese
opened cheddar

thawed meat
1 chicken breast
ground beef
2 1 small shoulder london broils (they’ve been on sale a lot recently)

frozen meat
chicken breasts
ground beef
ground beef in patties
pork liver
chicken backs for stock

eggplant & beef mixture for taco filling
1 egg white

Tuesday, August 29
eggplant and beef in tortilla (done!)

Wednesday, August 30
start making chicken stock (buy carrots, garlic, and parsley) (done!)
make ground beef into hamburger patties and freeze (done!)
freeze one london broil (done!)
organize freezer
set second london broil to marinate
make chicken and zucchini with rice (fried rice to use the egg white?)
made chicken gumbo

Thursday, August 31
go to farmers market! (not done – went to SCA meeting instead)
finish chicken stock and strain
cook london broil

Anyone want to come over to my house for dinner tomorrow?

I will be grilling:
there could even be hot dogs

I also have:
tzatziki sauce
whole wheat pita bread
awesome pickles

There could be:
bread pudding with apples

(if you don’t come, I’ll be forced to keep the meat frozen and eat all the yummy vegetables by myself)